about the show

Building a remote culture that enables your team is no easy feat. If you succeed you’ll unlock the agency and autonomy that comes with a well managed remote operation. If you don’t succeed you end up burning out from bad habits.

In this biweekly podcast you'll hear, from both Alix and guests, all about remote teamwork from a zillion different angles. It'll be focused on fresh perspectives, and always include suggestions for you to put new practices into place.

Let us know what you think, and hope you enjoy!

Hosted by Alix Dunn

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Episode 17 | How to save time with good documentation

November 1, 2023

In this mini-episode, Alix shares three strategies for getting your documentation juuuust right.

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about the episode

Good documentation fuels remote teams, giving your team the info they need at their fingertips to get stuff done without having to ask a million questions. But documentation is a bit of a Goldilocks problem. Teams tend to have too little of it, or far too much.

So how can you perfect your approach to documenting your team’s work? In this mini-episode, Alix shares three strategies for getting your documentation juuuust right.

our key takeaways

1. Having too much documentation can be just as ineffective as having too little. Odds are good folks aren’t going to read through a twenty page document to answer a simple question; they’ll ping you instead, defeating the purpose of the documentation to begin with! Be ruthless in editing and streamlining your documentation in order to make it useful.

2. Documentation needs to be a habit. When you make documentation part of your day-to-day work, you’re more likely to keep it simple and effective. But when you delay documentation or set aside time to do it only sporadically, you’re likely either to never get around to it at all or, conversely, to brain dump into unwieldy docs that aren’t particularly effective (see takeaway #1).

3. Write documentation from the perspective of a newbie. Often, documentation assumes a lot of background information, making it difficult for folks new to a team or project to understand and use. Make your documentation an onramp, not a diving board into a pool of detail.

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