about the show

Building a remote culture that enables your team is no easy feat. If you succeed you’ll unlock the agency and autonomy that comes with a well managed remote operation. If you don’t succeed you end up burning out from bad habits.

In this biweekly podcast you'll hear, from both Alix and guests, all about remote teamwork from a zillion different angles. It'll be focused on fresh perspectives, and always include suggestions for you to put new practices into place.

Let us know what you think, and hope you enjoy!

Hosted by Alix Dunn

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Episode 18 | How to make and communicate decisions remotely

November 15, 2023

In this mini-episode, Alix looks at the different types of decision making that happen on remote teams and unpacks how to bring more clarity to your team’s approach.

click to listen:
about the episode

How does your team make decisions? Are individuals empowered to make choices on their own, or does everything happen by committee? In remote life, clearly making and communicating decisions can make or break teams, enabling work or grinding its pace to a halt.

In this mini-episode, Alix looks at the different types of decision making that happen on remote teams and unpacks how to bring more clarity to your team’s approach.

our key takeaways

1. There are two types of decision making on teams: autonomous choices that individuals can make on their own and consultative decisions that require the input of others. The first step to better decision making? Deciding which choices can be autonomous (hopefully most of them!) and which decisions truly require group input.

2. Autonomous decisions should be the default where possible, but these choices need to be clearly communicated to the rest of the team. Avoid frustration and headache by making sure those impacted by your autonomous choices are informed.

3. Consultative decisions require a clear process. Who’s involved, when are they involved, and what is expected of these participants? Get clear about your team’s approach to consultative decisions so that they add value, not chaos.

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